CPI Security is proud to present the CPI Security Community Impact Award to the Durham County Emergency Medical Services.
The CPI Security Community Impact Award honors first responders in the Triangle area for their contributions to the community.
CPI Security chose the Durham County EMS for the award because of their program launched to help reduce opioid overdoses and treat people struggling with opioid addiction.
“The community paramedics respond to opioid overdose calls routinely in Durham County,” Chief Mark Lockhart said. “With this program, they are able to administer a medication that is designed to treat the patient on a long-term basis. This honor simply recognizes the incredible work these folks have been doing now for several months.”
CPI Security also made a $1,000 donation to the Durham County EMS for its Vic Memorial Fund which honors EMS employees who display the highest levels of competency and compassion to their patients during the year.